Thursday, January 11, 2007

thrifting + sipping

two things i've been doing a lot of lately: thrifting and sipping. i'm thrifting at the MCC thrift shops in my area and also at value village (i had a fun time allie!). found some pretty fun books - one of which is a photographed-puppet-animation kids book published in japan in the seventies (oh my!) - some sewing supplies, and these great mugs. actually, allie spotted them and decided they were too small for her mug-likings... but they weren't too small for mine (i like tiny mugs). AND, they're wedgwood. oooo. they seem to be seventies-ish and they are a very durable ironstone. inside the wedgwood is what i've been sipping of late: cocoa camino's fair trade organic hot chocolate. mmm... it's not too sweet and it's very chocolatey. highly recommended.


Shannon Sutton said...

Hey Gill,

Happy to hear your like the hot chocolate (we love it too!). In fact, so happy that I want to send you some chocolate bars. Where to?
Shannon (La Siembra Co-op - makers of Cocoa Camino)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jill I too love that hot chocolate! I just bought some the a couple weeks ago at Zehrs. I was tired of drinking chemical chocolate ;)
Is that Shannon really from the Cocoa Company?? Cool...