Thursday, February 22, 2007

Pass it on...

I was chatting yesterday with Allie about a documentary she just saw called Black Gold. And we started to lament the fact that Starbucks doesn't regularly serve fair trade coffee. And, we started to lament that our favourite espresso-shot drinks aren't ever available fair trade. Then today, when Daryan and I couldn't resist stopping by Starbucks, it came to me! ... from now on, I will keep requesting my drink to be fair trade. I employed the method today when I ordered a caramel macciato... it went like this:

me: yes, I'll have a tall, non-fat, extra hot, fair trade caramel macciato, please.

barrista: (looking puzzled) um, we don't have our fair trade coffee on tap today... wait... we don't offer fair trade espresso...

me: (feigning ignorance) oh really? I thought that was an option for me... you know, it really should be an option... well, in that case, I don't want a coffee-based drink, I'll have a chai latte.

Yes, I see flaws. The "feigning ignorance" bit might not work on the same barrista 5 times... so, eventually, that part of the plan will be substituted with "oh, you still don't have that option, eh? huh".... and so on. I also recognize that I have the option to boycott. But, if I boycott, then:

1. other non-globally-minded individuals will fill the gap that my boycott left and still Starbucks will go on selling their non-fair trade coffee (defeatest? perhaps).

2. I admit that I have a weakness for Starbucks... so, I will just boycott their ill-conscience coffee.

Here's where the important part comes in: I challenge you all to do the same. It's a non-confrontational, polite, and subtle (yet persistent) way to solicit change.
Your thoughts?

Pass it on!

Oh, and check out their "history of coffee" education lesson... wow, it really gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling...

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