Thursday, August 03, 2006


Yesterday, Daryan and I celebrated Allie's 27th birthday with her and James... we had a yummy BBQ and dug into a DQ ice cream cake for dessert! mmmm... if it weren't for the wicked stormy weather us Southern Ontarians had in the early evening, we would have rounded the night off with a game of Cranium. The word worm will have to wait.

Today, Daryan and I celebrated my Dad's 54th birthday with him and my Mom... we had some yummy linguine pasta and recycled the previous night's DQ cake too! HAHA. Dad got some whiffle balls for backyard golf as well as a date on the driving range with Daryan and I.


Allie and James posing with the cake.

My Dad showing off his new whiffle balls.

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