Sunday, October 01, 2006

another busy weekend

This weekend, we celebrated Daryan's birthday, went to the Wellesely apple butter and cheese festival, and attend a baby shower for Allie all in one fell swoop!

Friday night was a surprise birthday party for Daryan at Ennio's Pasta House. He thought it was just the two of us going out for dinner, but really my Mom, Dad, and brother met us there. He was similarly surprised when Allie and James arrived at the house for cake later. It was a fun evening.

Bright and early Saturday morning we were up for the Wellesley Apple Butter and Cheese Festival... this is sort of similar to the the UBC apple festival Daryan and I made it our tradition to attend... except more entertainment and less apples. We had apple dumplings for brekkie, watched some clogging demonstrations, sipped mulled hot apple cider, bought honey and fudge (mmmm...), and saved a lost dog before heading back to the city.

At 1:00pm, Allie and I made our way to her baby shower. It was a blast. There were yummy sandwiches and cake and I got to catch up with Allie's wonderful and friendly family.

... and for each of these fun events, i forgot my damned camera ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill,

Richard and I are really looking forward to your wedding! You must be so excited.
Can't wait to see you!