Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Pumpkins Galore!

We had a very 'autumnal' adventure today going to the pumpkin patch in the country!

It turned out to be a very educational and fun afternoon - Daryan was disappointed that we couldn't go through the corn maze, but we were on a tight schedule. We plan to go back and do that another day. This particular pumpkin farm (Nauman's Pumpkins Galore) had loads of regular pumpkins, heirloom pumpkins, squash, and gnarly looking gourds. We purchased a wide variety of cucurbitaceae, the technical name for this family of flora, at the farm. Martha Stewart would approve. Here's what we bought:

carnival squash: a brightly coloured and uniformly round-ish squash that has a pleasant, mild flavour.

delicata squash: this squash is also known as the bohemian squash. It is creamy, sweet, and moist with yellow flesh that tastes like a sweet potato. It is an heirloom variety and considered one of the best for flavour.

lumina pumpkin: a starkly white pumpkin that is uniformly stout and round.

jarrahdale pumpkin: a ghostly light greenish blue pumpkin first cultivated in Australia.

We'll without a doubt have a lot of pumpkins to carve this Hallowe'en and I think the creepy white and green ones will further the effect :) Do any of you out there have plans for what designs you'll carve into your pumpkins this year?

Here are the photos of our adventure:

The perfect pumpkin!

Here's me posing with the pumpkins!

Daryan pulling the pumpkin cart.

Here's Daryan posing with a festive autumn spread

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