Sunday, December 03, 2006

o tannenbaum o tannenbaum

So here I am posting again after 2 long weeks of ignoring my blog. This time of year has me busy Christmas crafting :) This weekend we officially dubbed "christmas weekend" where we worked diligently at getting the house decorated and prepped for this (the funnest) month.

Most things went off without a hitch - except for my electrocution by our Christmas tree! A very L O N G trip to the emergency room ended in me deciding that my problem couldn't be too bad if they were willing to let me sit for four hours (their estimation) waiting to see the ONE (that's right, only ONE) doctor they had working. So, I left. And I haven't had problems since, so I guess I'm okay :)

Said Christmas tree (featured above in all its festive glory) was finished just a few short hours ago as we enjoyed the last embers of the fire. I suppose it was worth the shock ;)


Anonymous said...

Jill, you so casually mention getting electrocuted; it's as if this is just a regular holiday hazard! Oh my God! Glad you're still with us. And speaking of with us, are you still coming to Vancouver? Lost the memo. Please email deets. Lee

Anonymous said...

Jill, your tree looks beautiful. So sorry you had to get electrocuted in the spirit of Christmas! How scary! I'm glad you're ok.

We still have yet to find a garland that will reach all around our very short, but fat tree.... oh and a tree skirt... but yes, our trees do look similar. Great minds, I tell ya! :)

CraxyRaE said...

What did you do to yourself hun? Didn't your mommy tell you never to lick your finger and stick it in the socket? Hope all is well and that you've got a bit of body in your hair for the holidays ;)

Take care hun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Jill! What happened?? I got a mild shock once in gr. 8 right before I was to give a presentation on was not good...
the tree looks awesome!