Wednesday, December 13, 2006

on the 1st day of christmas...

on the 1st day of christmas, my true love gave to me: one fire blazing in the pit... daryan came home from his business trip and we had a nice fire.

this first of my '12-days-of-leading-up-to-christmas-posts' will be a festive meme...

Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

i don't believe in santa :)

Colored lights on tree/house or white?

i like to see coloured lights on OTHER people's houses, but my personal style is white lights... and we have lots of them this year!

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?

i'm going to have to say sweet potatoe casserole... while the marshmellows don't earn them any credit in the nutritional department, sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes... say, what's the difference between sweet potatoes and yams anyway?!

Funniest Holiday memory as a child:

well, there was that one time that my dad picked up an elderly woman in slippers and a housecoat from outside the nursing home where we were visiting my great grandmother... she had him driving all around the city looking for her 'house.' eventually, we caught on that she lived in the nursing home and we had just accompliced in her escape.

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?

no. never. except that one year that my parents didn't want to cart all the gifts down to windsor.

How do you decorate your Christmas Tree?

this year we went for a classic look... pearl garland, moss green, silver, gold, and chocolate brown balls... and white lights of course!

Snow! Love it or Dread it?

love it BEFORE christmas, hate it after... unfortunately us southern ontarians seem to have lost our snow... white christmas this year?

What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?

hmmm... this is a hard one... this year i really like 'chocolate crackles' (see martha stewart's holiday cookie magazine edition 2005 for recipe)

What is your favorite Christmas Song?

i have a thing for the muppets this year... 'the muppet christmas carol' has a lot of fun tunes

Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?

only yummy if cut up and put on top of peppermint pie... becky, i NEED your mom's recipe for that! ;)

Favorite Christmas Tradition growing up:

playing christmas tunes on the piano.

Least Favorite Christmas Tradition Growing Up:

marshmellow salad.

Breakfast or Presents First?

breakfast DEFINITELY first.

see you tomorrow...

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